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MRI International Guidelines
Co-Chair: David K.B. Li, MD, FRCPC (University of British Columbia)Co-Chair: Anthony Traboulsee, MD, FRCPC (University of British Columbia)
MRI is an invaluable tool for establishing an early diagnosis of MS and for monitoring patients’ disease course and response to treatment. Standardized imaging protocols are essential for consistency and accuracy of an MRI study that may guide optimal care. MRI is sensitive for detecting all types of pathology that can look similar to MS. Mis-interpretation of ‘white spots’ on MRI especially in the setting of uncertain symptoms can lead to mis-diagnosis, unnecessary treatment, and considerable psychological stress. The course will cover the basic lesions of MS and common pitfalls. When to use contrast. How to ensure an accurate and early diagnosis of MS. The role of spinal cord imaging in diagnosis and monitoring. How to improve patient outcomes with safety and efficacy monitoring. Finally, we will discuss MRI outcomes that are not (yet) part of routine practice such as brain atrophy monitoring, slowly expanding lesions (SELs), phase rim lesions (PERLs), and the central vein sign. Speakers include neurologists and radiologists with experience in clinical practice and research experience with emerging MRI techniques and applications to clinical practice. Level of Information: Basic

Speaker: David K.B. Li, MD, FRCPC (University of British Columbia)

Speaker: Mike P. Wattjes, MD, PhD (Hannover Medical School)

Speaker: Jiwon Oh, MD, PhD, FRCPC (University of Toronto)

Speaker: Mike P. Wattjes, MD, PhD (Hannover Medical School)

Speaker: Anthony Traboulsee, MD, FRCPC (University of British Columbia)
MS Management | Technologic Advances | Clinical Course
AAPA: 2.00
APA: 2.00
CME: 2.00
NCPD: 2.00