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Fundamentals of MS Care Part 4 Current Therapies, Wellness with Integrative Medicine, a Practical Approach to Symptoms, Care of the Male with MS, Co-Morbidities and Cultural Sensitivity
Moderator: Beverly A Layton, RN, BSN, MSCN (MS Nurse Consultant)
Sessions 3 and 4 of Fundamentals offers insight into multidisciplinary considerations to include DMT’s, practical nursing approaches to infusible therapies, the role of specialty pharmacists in the MS Clinic and the use of integrative medicine in achieving patient wellness. Session 4 will open with the Nursing approach to unraveling symptoms, a discussion of caring for men with MS and a comprehensive overview of Co-Morbidities and MS. A discussion of cultural competence and sensitivity for the MS Clinician will close out Session 4. Level of Information: Basic, Intermediate

Speaker: Beverly A Layton, RN, BSN, MSCN (MS Nurse Consultant)

Speaker: Patricia Pagnotta, APRN, MSCN (MS Center of Greater Orlando)

Speaker: Jeffrey Hernandez, DNP, APRN, MSCN (University of Miami / Miller School of Medicine)

Speaker: Sara Schaefer, NP (UCHealth Neurology)

Speaker: Lisa Maria Mitchell, RN, MSN (Dept. of Veterans Affairs/MS Center of Excellence-East)
MS Management | Nursing | Fundamentals
Basic, Intermediate
AAPA: 2.75
ACPE: 2.75
APA: 2.75
AOTA: 2.75
ASWB: 2.75
CME: 2.75
NCPD: 2.75
RD: 2.75