


The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) invites Exhibitors and Supporters to the 34th Annual Meeting to be held Wednesday, May 27th through Saturday, May 30th at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida.
The Annual Meeting of the CMSC is the largest North American meeting for healthcare professionals and researchers engaged in MS care. Corporate Supporters, exhibitors and industry partners will have opportunities to display, present and educate over 2,300 MS clinicians and researchers on new and existing products and services that are vital to the field of MS clinical care and research. Join over 80 exhibitors and supporters who participate in this annual 4-day educational conference.

The CMSC membership represents a professional network of more than 12,000 national and international healthcare clinicians. Delegates of the Annual Meetings include the full spectrum of the MS professional interdisciplinary healthcare team: neurologists, radiologists, physiatrists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, urologists, gynecologists, researchers, psychologists, pharmacists, PA’s, nursing professionals, epidemiologists, social workers, case managers, attorneys, rehabilitation professionals, educators and patient advocates.

The Annual Meeting brings these professionals together to learn from MS thought leaders about cutting edge research findings, clinical advances in the diagnosis and management of MS, and important care issues. Attendees learn about new practice trends, innovative care practices, and health policy issues affecting access to care. They earn more than 20 Continuing Education credits in their field.
The Exhibit Hall is the central location for most meals and receptions. Over 10 hours of Exhibit Hall events ensures that exhibitors have ample opportunity to network and interact with the delegates. Multiple opportunities to highlight your message and to direct delegate traffic to your booth are outlined in the following pages of the Exhibitor Prospectus.

Please join us for this exciting event in Orlando to learn, celebrate the MS Team approach, and strengthen professional ties.

Thank you to our 2020 Exhibitors!