


January 15, 2025
Deadlines Enforced at 3:00 AM EST.

For questions regarding content, rules, and guidelines, please contact Jennifer Pichardo at [email protected] or at (201) 487-1050 x 115.

For technical support, contact [email protected].

Emails are monitored seven days a week from 7:00am-11:00pm Eastern Time or you can call +1 401.334.0220 Mon-Fri from 8:00am-6:00pm Eastern Time.

CMSC does not have a limit on the number of submission per first author. But we strongly suggest that no individual presents more than two posters.

Authors may withdraw their submission online before the submission site closes. After this, withdrawals can only be made by emailing the CMSC at [email protected]. However, not all withdrawals will be reflected in print publications.

If no author is available to present the abstract, please inform us as soon as possible. Authors not notifying the CMSC staff of the withdrawal on time will be subject to sanctioning.

In step 1 of the submission process, choose your presentation format (poster of platform) and the category which accurately reflects your submission. Please note that the Abstract Committee will make the final decision on the presentation type but will take into consideration your preferred format.

Platform presentations will be held on Thursday May 29th from 3:00-5:00 pm. The exact time of each presentation will be determined at a later date. Each presenter is usually given 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A.

All posters will be presented on Thursday, May 29th from 5:00-7:00 pm. Authors are required to stand by their posters at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

Late-breaking submissions will only be considered for POSTER presentations.

Authors for poster submissions should present information about studies of benefit to the multiple sclerosis scientific and/or clinical community. The work of authors who are industry employees will be considered provided that the authors are employed in the scientific and/or medical divisions. The work of authors in industry sales or marketing posts will not be considered for inclusion in the scientific poster session. This policy shall apply to work submitted individually or in a co-authoring capacity.

The title should be no more than 150 characters and should be in appropriate upper and lower cases.

Authors can make changes to their abstract anytime before the submission site closes and the review process begins. After the final decision on acceptance has been made by the Abstract Review Committee, another two weeks will be given to the authors to make changes to their abstracts. After this period, all changes must be made in writing by emailing the CMSC at [email protected]. Please note that we cannot guarantee that these changes can be made and that they may or may not be included in the published version of the abstract.

Changes to poster presenters need not be communicated to CMSC. Changes to platform presenters need to be emailed to CMSC as soon as possible. We print the annual meeting program book (with platform presenters names) six weeks before the meeting.

There is no fee to submit an abstract.

Yes, we do accept previously presented or published abstracts (encore presentations).

The body of the abstract should not exceed 2,500 characters including spaces.

Authors can make changes to their abstract anytime before the submission site closes and the review process begins. After the final decision on acceptance has been made by the Abstract Review Committee, another two weeks will be given to the authors to make changes to their abstracts. After this period, all changes must be made in writing by emailing the CMSC at [email protected]. Speaker’s Corner is open for changes up to one week after notifications are sent out. After one week, please note that we cannot guarantee that these changes can be made and that they may or may not be included in the published version of the abstract.

Changes to poster presenters need not be communicated to CMSC. Changes to platform presenters need to be emailed to CMSC as soon as possible. We print the annual meeting program book (with platform presenters names) six weeks before the meeting.


CMSC does not have formatting guidelines for posters. The only requirement is that it should fit the 4 feet high and 8 feet wide poster board ( the actual board display area is 46 inches in height and 94 inches wide due to the metal border around the boards).

QR codes are permitted.

Yes, you may assign another presenting author.

The link to update the abstract information was emailed to the contact and presenting author. If you did not get the email, please contact us at [email protected].

The poster sessions is on Thursday, May 29th, at 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm in the Exhibit Hall.  Authors need to stand by their posters between 6:00 – 7:00 pm.

Poster boards will be ready for posters on Wednesday, May 28 at 12pm in the Exhibit Hall. The size of the poster board is 48×96 inches or 4×8 feet (height x width). The actual display area is 46 inches in height and 94 inches in width due to the metal border around the boards. The boards are cloth-backed and materials can be attached with either Velcro or pushpins. CMSC will supply the pushpins.

Yes, each poster board is going to be labeled with the Final ID number of the abstract.

CMSC is not responsible for your travel arrangements and registration. Please go to for information. Abstract authors can register using the special early rate anytime using a special code. If you have not received the code yet, please email CMSC at [email protected].

Please note that the embargo will be lifted on May 26, 2025, Monday.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]. Exceptions may be granted by submitting a request to the CMSC at [email protected].

Presenters are responsible to taking down their posters after the poster session. The CMSC and the Phoenix Convention Center are not responsible for poster left after tear-down. Tear-down for the 2025 annual meeting is on May 29th at 7:15pm.

We don’t have a preferred poster printer.

CMSC has again partnered with Genigraphics to provide discounted printing for pick up at this year’s meeting.  We are pleased to offer you the convenience of having your printed poster waiting for you to pick up at the conference instead of traveling with it. Go to to download free PowerPoint poster templates and to order printing services.

Plan Ahead order deadline is 1:00 PM CT on Thursday, May 16, 2024

RUSH order deadline is 1:00 PM CT on Monday, May 20, 2024 (rush fee applies)

There is also a UPS on-site. You can place your orders to [email protected] for on-site pick up. Please indicate on your order that this is for the “CMSC Annual Meeting”.

The poster board is 4×8 feet or 48×96 inches (height x width). The actual board display area is 46 inches in height and 94 inches wide due to the metal border around the boards. The boards are cloth-backed and materials can be attached with either Velcro or pushpins. CMSC will supply the pushpins.

UPS: You can pick up your poster direct from UPS at the Phoenix Convention Center. Please reference your order confirmation for more detailed pick up information.

Genigraphics: You can pick up your poster by the poster area inside the exhibit hall.
Wednesday 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm


The 2025 CMSC annual meeting is in-person.  

  • Confirm your attendance by May 19.
  • Upload your PowerPoint by May 6.  The Continuing Education team needs to make sure all presentations are free of commercial bias.  If you have changes after that, please bring your file to the speaker-ready room when you arrive at the hotel.

The 2025 CMSC annual meeting is in-person.  If you cannot present in-person, please let us know as soon as possible so we may assign another platform presentation.

  • Please use the widescreen 16:9 slide aspect ratio for your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Submitted presentations will be made available to our attendees via our website and mobile app beginning the week of May 22nd. Presentations will be converted to pdf format with a caution to learners that slides are not permitted for use without specific approval from the author. If you do not wish to share your presentation with attendees, please email Tina Trott at [email protected] by Friday, May 19th.

Each platform/oral presentation is twenty (20) minutes long.  Fifteen (15) minutes for presentation and five (5) minutes for Q&A.

The schedule has been emailed to all presenting and contact authors.  You may also check the online agenda for complete schedule and room assignments.  Please go to

The Speaker Ready Room is TBD.

We strongly recommend that all presenters visit the Speaker-Ready Room to make sure their presentations are correct and updated.

Yes, you may assign another presenting author.

The link to update the abstract information was emailed to the contact and presenting author. If you did not get the email, please contact us at [email protected].

All platform presentations will be held on Thursday, May 29.  Room assignments will be emailed to the contact and presenting authors.  They will also be in the program book and the mobile app.  You may also check the online agenda available from this website.

CMSC is not responsible for your travel arrangements and registration. Please go to for information. Abstract authors can register using the special early rate anytime using a special code. If you have not received the code yet, please email CMSC at [email protected].

Embargo is lifted on May 26, 2025, Monday.

You have to upload your PowerPoint file by May 8.  This will give the Continuing Education team enough time to review the content for fair balance, scientific objectivity, and the appropriateness of patient care recommendations made to learners.

If the presenter has changes after uploading the file, he/she/they may bring the file to the speaker-ready room when he/she/they arrive at the annual meeting.  We strongly suggest bringing the file to the speaker-ready room at least two hours before the presentation.