
Support and Exhibits

The 2021 CMSC Annual Meeting is now being held on October 25 – 28 in Orlando, Florida.

For questions regarding support and exhibits, please contact Marguerite Herman at [email protected] or at (201) 487-1050 x 105.

Please be advised that CDC Health and Safety guidelines will take precedent over standard IAEE booth construction guidelines due to the evolving policies surrounding COVID-19.


IMPORTANT: Affiliate meeting space in the Rosen Shingle Creek Convention Center is sold out over consecutive dates! Currently available are a limited number of hospitality suites on the hotel side of  Rosen Shingle Creek. For more information about availability, please contact Mary Quigg at [email protected] or Michelle Milner at [email protected]

Click here for the Affiliate Space Request Form

Once you have submitted your request, please do not attempt to make changes by submitting a new form. Please contact Erin Quigg at [email protected] AND Mary Sanchez-Quigg at [email protected] to make any changes.

An affiliate meeting is any event held during the dates of the CMSC Annual Meeting and the event is not part of the official CMSC Annual Meeting Program.

Events may include, and are not limited to:

  • Advisory Board Meetings
  • Sales Meetings
  • Hospitality Suites
  • Pre-conference Business Meetings
  • Committee and Board Meetings
  • Exhibitor Staff Meetings
  • Receptions
  • Social Events/Dinners

Affiliate Meeting Space Requests

If you plan to hold a function or wish to secure a hospitality suite during the CMSC Annual Meeting, you must complete an Affiliate Group Function Space Request Form.

Requests will be accepted beginning on Monday, April 19, 2021. The final date to submit requests will be Friday, October 1, 2021.

Assignment of Space:

Affiliate space will be assigned beginning on May 7, 2021. Following this date, requests will be processed, and rooms assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. A space confirmation will be issued within 2 weeks after submitting your space request.

Rules and Regulations

Please review the affiliate meeting rules and regulations, outlined below, prior to completing the online space request form.

    1. CMSC has the final approval and decision to allow any Affiliate function related to or affecting the CMSC Annual Meeting registrants.
    2. Complete the online Function Space Request Form with your meeting space requirements. A separate form is required for each meeting or function. 
    3. Affiliate requests for space received after May 7, 2021 and before October 1, 2021 will be contacted within 14 days to confirm space and outline the next steps to follow.
    4. Once you have submitted your request, please do not attempt to make changes by submitting a new form. Please contact Erin Quigg at [email protected] AND Mary Sanchez-Quigg at [email protected] to make any changes.
    5. Affiliate Meeting Times: Internal meetings that do not include any meeting attendees or faculty members may be held at any time during the meeting dates. Any meetings that may include meeting registrants may not be held during scheduled educational sessions. No such meetings may occur during the following times/dates:
      • Monday, October 25: 11:15 am—3:30 pm
      • Tuesday, October 26: 8:00 am—12:00 pm and 1:30 pm–4:45 pm
      • Wednesday, October 27: 8:00 am—12:00 pm and 2:00 pm–6:30 pm
      • Thursday, October 28: 8:00 am—12:00 pm

      Should your organization decide to host a meeting or event at an offsite venue, CMSC encourages you to disclose of the function by using the online form. Awareness of all events will allow CMSC staff to assist delegates with questions.

    6. Do not attempt to make reservations directly with the Rosen Shingle Creek or CMSC-contracted hotels. This will forfeit your request for space.
    7. Once you complete the online form, an email will be sent confirming receipt of the request. Please retain a copy of this email for your records.
    8. A separate email will be sent to notify you of assignment of your space. Upon assignment of your space, CMSC will invoice you for the appropriate the Affiliate Space Administrative/Application Fees. Failure to pay fees within 30 days of receiving invoice may result in cancellation of your assigned space.
    9. Food & Beverage: Food and beverage services must be arranged directly with the Hotel Banquet Department. We will provide you with the Hotel catering manager’s contact information. Please do not contact the hotel until you have received your approval from CMSC. The hotel will provide you a banquet event order (BEO) for approval of all food and beverage items and will bill you directly for those expenses.
    10. Audio-VisualPrecon Events is the exclusive provider of audio-visual technology services for ALL events during the 2021 CMSC Annual Meeting. Outside A/V providers will not be permitted for Affiliate Meetings. Penalties will be applied to those affiliates who choose to disregard this regulation*. CMSC will provide contact information for Precon Events when we confirm your space so that you can obtain a quote for your requirements. They will provide a quote for approval and will bill you directly for those expenses.
    11. Meeting Fees: CMSC charges an administrative fee in order to cover the cost of renting CMSC contracted meeting space at the event venue. Rates are based on a flat rate, per meeting room and the rates are outlined below. For example – if your meeting requires two sections of a ballroom to fit your requested room set/capacity needs, you would be charged for two meeting rooms.
      CMSC has no authority over any service charges, rental fees, set-up fees, labor contracts, etc. that are required by any venue or exclusive contractors. The function organizer is responsible for all costs associated with the affiliate meeting, including, but not limited to, food & beverage, audio-visual equipment service, music license fees, hotel labor costs, internet, electric, telecom, etc.

      *Penalties are based on a percentage of the meeting fees associated with an event for which an alternative AV provider was used.
      Flat Rate:
      Per Day, Per Room/Ballroom Section
      Rate before 8/16/2021$1,500$1,800$1,000
      Rate after 8/16/2021$1,800$2,000$1,200
    12. Groups occupying space must provide appropriate staff to coordinate all such activities.
    13. Affiliate Meeting Locations & Set-up: Affiliate events will be assigned space at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel. Due to the unique nature of individual affiliate events, CMSC will work to set the room in an appropriate manner for your meeting.

CMSC will make the final determination on ALL meeting room set-up AND load-in/out arrangements. Affiliates will be required to submit their production schedule (including load-in/out times) to CMSC by Friday, September 24 for review/approval. Floor plans and/or renderings may be required for fire marshal approval. Please work with CMSC/Hotel to determine if your room build will require approval. Deadline for approval is Friday, October 1.

For the safety of CMSC Annual Meeting attendees and out of respect for other affiliate groups, use of public space (foyers) for load-in/out of affiliate rooms may only be used outside of show hours.

      • Move-in/Build outs must be completed in public space (foyers) by 10:00am EST on Monday, October 25, 2021.
      • Move-out/Dismantling in public space (foyers) cannot begin prior to 12:00pm EST on Thursday, October 28, 2021.

Registration tables or furniture may not be permitted outside of select meeting rooms due to their respective locations. Please make sure to request approval in advance if welcome counters, registration desks or any furniture will be needed outside of the meeting space.

  1. Signs & Promotional Materials: Affiliate Meetings may place one (1) sign, no larger than 39″x 96″, directly outside of the assigned meeting room during the hours that the room is contracted. Affiliate Meeting signs must be removed within thirty (30) minutes of the conclusion of the meeting. Directional signs, of any nature, are not permitted for Affiliate Meetings. CMSC will provide attendees with directional signs to meeting rooms throughout the Rosen Shingle Creek. If CMSC finds Affiliate Meeting signs in non-permissible locations, they will be immediately removed and discarded.

    Flyers and promotional materials for Affiliate Meetings are not permitted to be placed throughout the venue or distributed within CMSC Event Space (ex – registration, building lobby, common areas, etc.). If CMSC finds these materials, they will be immediately removed, discarded and/or asked to cease distribution immediately.

    Affiliates are not permitted to distribute flyers or promotional materials directly to attendees within the event meeting space (example – affiliate cannot pass out flyers at the event registration desk as attendees pick up their credentials).

  2. COVID-19 Safety Protocols: During this period of heightened awareness over the coronavirus outbreak (COViD-19), the Consortium of MS Centers (CMSC) is working with the facility management teams at the Rosen Shingle Creek to ensure the safety and health of all staff and attendees at the 2021 Annual Meeting. We are committed to follow the policies and protocols set forth by CDC to help avoid the spread of COViD-19 in large events and gatherings. Affiliates will be required to follow the COVID-19 safety policies/procedures set by CMSC when hosting a meeting or event.
  3. Functions found to be in violation of these guidelines shall be immediately discontinued. The Affiliate Group waives any rights to claim damages arising out of the enforcement of these guidelines.
  4. All matters and questions not covered by the above guidelines are subject to the discretion of CMSC. These CMSC guidelines may be amended at any time by CMSC, and all amendments shall be equally binding on all parties. In the event of any amendment or addition to these guidelines, written notice will be given by CMSC to such parties. The Affiliate Group shall protect, indemnify, hold harmless and defend CMSC, its officers, directors, agents and employees against all such claims, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of litigation; provided that the foregoing shall not apply to injury, loss or damage caused by or resulting from the negligence of CMSC, its officers, directors, agents or employees.

Cancellation Policy:

No refunds will be provided once the payment has been processed. If the Affiliate cancels their space request applications within 45-days of the CMSC Annual Meeting (September 7, 2021), 100% of the anticipated meeting space fees will be due to CMSC.

It is the Affiliate Group’s responsibility to distribute copies of this information to the appropriate personnel and/or any agents, representatives or contractors involved in planning activities at CMSC Annual Meeting. The Affiliate Groups requesting space are responsible for the actions of their employees and/or agents and will be expected to follow all rules and guidelines outlined above.

Thank you to our Supporters!

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