Complete abstract information will be provided to the CMSC Annual Meeting attendees on May 28, 2023.
Year | ID | Type | Category | Title | Authors |
2023 | DMT46 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Remibrutinib: A Novel BTKi in Development for MS with a Favorable Safety Profile in Various Autoimmune Disorders |
Mitzi J. Williams, MD1, Laura Airas, MD, PhD2, Tanuja Chitnis, MD3, Sarbjit Saini, MD4, Michihiro Hide, MD, PhD5, Gordon Sussman, MD6, Jin Nakahara, MD, PhD7, Robert A. Bermel, MD8, Thomas Dörner, MD9, Brett Loop, MPH10, Marina Ziehn, PhD11, Roman Willi, PhD11, Bernd C. Kieseier, MD11,12, Ivan Nikolaev, MD11, Sibylle Haemmerle, PhD11, Artem Zharkov, MD11, Richard Siegel, MD, PhD13, Bruno Cenni, PhD13, Heinz Wiendl, MD, PhD14, Marcus Maurer, MD15,16, Ana Giménez-Arnau, MD, PhD17 and Xavier Montalban, MD, PhD18, (1)Joi Life Wellness Group, Atlanta, GA, (2)Turku University Hospital and University, Turku, Finland, (3)Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (4)Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center, Baltimore, MD, (5)Hiroshima City Hiroshima Citizens Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan, (6)University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, (7)Department of Neurology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, (8)Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (9)Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin; DRFZ, Berlin, Germany, (10)Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation, Cambridge, MA, (11)Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland, (12)Department of Neurology, Heinrich-Heine University, Duesseldorf, Germany, (13)Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel, Switzerland, (14)Department of Neurology with Institute of Translational Neurology, University of Münster, Münster, Germany, (15)Urticaria Center of Reference and Excellence (UCARE), Institute of Allergology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, (16)Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP, Allergology and Immunology, Berlin, Germany, (17)Hospital del Mar – IMIM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, (18)Department of Neurology-Neuroimmunology, Centre d’Esclerosi Múltiple de Catalunya (Cemcat), Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain |
2023 | DMT47 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Baseline Characteristics and 6-Month Tolerability, Safety and Persistence in a Real-World Cohort of Multiple Sclerosis Patients Initiating Ofatumumab |
Moein Amin, MD1, Tucker Harvey, MS2, Dan Michael Pineda, MD3, Brandon Moss, MD1, Mindy Tai, PhD4, Qiujun Shao, PhD4, Abhijit Gadkari, PhD4, Brandon Brown, PharmD4, Devon S Conway, MD, MS1 and Carrie M Hersh, DO, MS, FAAN5, (1)Mellen Center for MS Treatment and Research, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (2)Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (3)Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Burlington, MA, (4)Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, NJ, (5)Mellen Program for Multiple Sclerosis Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Las Vegas, NV |
2023 | DMT48W | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
A Long-Term Study Evaluating Safety and Efficacy of Evobrutinib in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (LONGEVO) |
Xavier Montalban, MD, PhD1, Douglas L. Arnold, MD2,3, Amit Bar-Or, MD4, Bruce A.C. Cree, MD5, Anne H. Cross, MD6, Eva Havrdova, MD, PhD7, Ludwig Kappos, MD8, Olaf Stuve, MD, PhD9, Heinz Wiendl, MD10, Jerry S Wolinsky, MD11, Christian Baumgaertner, MD12, Elise E. Drouin, PhD13, Li Shen Loo, MD13, Ana Mijuskovic, MD12, Michaela Sedova, MD14, Nadia Tenenbaum, MD13, Davorka Tomic, PhD15 and Patrick Vermersch, MD, PhD16, (1)Department of Neurology-Neuroimmunology, Centre d’Esclerosi Múltiple de Catalunya (Cemcat), Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain, (2)Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada, (3)NeuroRx Research, Montreal, QC, Canada, (4)Department of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (5)Department of Neurology, Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, (6)Department of Neurology, Division of Neuroimmunology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, (7)General University Hospital, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, (8)Research Center for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Neuroscience Basel (RC2NB), Departments of Head, Spine and Neuromedicine, Clinical Research, Biomedicine and Biomedical Engineering, University Hospital and University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, (9)Department of Neurology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (10)Department of Neurology with Institute of Translational Neurology, Medical Faculty, University Hospital and University of Münster, Münster, Germany, (11)Department of Neurology, McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), Houston, TX, (12)the healthcare business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, (13)EMD Serono, Billerica, MA, (14)Cytel Czech Republic, s.r.o., Prague, MA, Czech Republic, (15)Ares Trading SA, an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Eysins, Switzerland, (16)Univ. Lille, Inserm U1172 LilNCog, CHU Lille, FHU Precise, Lille, France |
2023 | DMT49 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Pregnancy Outcomes Following Exposure to Ofatumumab in Patients with MS: Results from the Prim Study |
Riley Bove, MD, UCSF Weill Institute for Neuroscience, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, Maria Pia Amato, MD, IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Florence, Italy; Department NEUROFARBA, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, Ruth Dobson, PhD, FRCP, Preventive Neurology Unit, Wolfson Institute of Population Health, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom; Department of Neurology, Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom, Kristen M Krysko, MD MAS, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada, Sharon Stoll, DO, MS, Department of Neurology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, Sandra Vukusic, MD, PhD, Service de neurologie, sclérose en plaques, pathologies de la myéline et neuro-inflammation, Hôpital neurologique Pierre Wertheimer, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France; Centre des Neurosciences de Lyon, INSERM 1028 et CNRS UMR5292, Observatoire Français de la Sclérose en Plaques, Lyon, France; Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, Lyon, France, Bassem Yamout, MD, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon; Harley Street Medical Center, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Ronald Zielman, MD, PhD, Novartis Pharma B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, Krishna Swetha Gummuluri, MBBS, Dip. Pharm. Med, Novartis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India, Valentine Jehl, MSc, Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland, Ulf Schulze Topphoff, PhD, Novartis Pharma GmbH, Nuremberg, Germany, Roseanne Sullivan, PharmD, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, NJ and Kerstin Hellwig, MD, St. Josef-Hospital/Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany |
2023 | DMT50 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Long-Term Efficacy of Ocrelizumab up to 8 Years in RMS Patients in the OPERA Study and Open-Label Extension Using Repeated Event Analysis |
Robert A. Bermel, MD1, Hans-Peter Hartung, MD2,3, Robert T. Naismith, MD4, Jacqueline A Nicholas, MD5, Timothy Vollmer, PhD6, Qing Wang, PhD7, Ben Townsend, PhD7, Hans-Martin Schneble, MD7, Regine Buffels, MD7 and Stephen L. Hauser, MD8, (1)Mellen Center for MS, Department of Neurology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (2)Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, (3)Department of Neurology, UKD, Centre of Neurology and Neuropsychiatry and LVR-Klinikum, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany, (4)Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, (5)OhioHealth Multiple Sclerosis Center, Columbus, OH, (6)Department of Neurology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, (7)F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel, Switzerland, (8)UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA |
2023 | DMT51 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Assessment of Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of Vidofludimus Calcium in Patients with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in the Open-Label Extension Period of the Phase 2 Trial (EMPhASIS) |
Robert J. Fox, MD1, Christian Wolf, MD2, Matej Ondrus, MD3, Valentina Sciacca, RN3 and Andreas Muehler, MD3, (1)Mellen Center for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (2)Lycalis sprl, Brussls, Belgium, (3)Immunic AG, Gräfelfing, Germany |
2023 | DMT52 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Safety of the Concurrent Administration of Serotonergic Antidepressants and Ozanimod in Patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis |
Robert T. Naismith, MD1, Jeffrey A. Cohen, MD2, Amit Bar-Or, MD3, Giancarlo Comi, MD4, Krzysztof W. Selmaj, MD, PhD, DSc5, Hans-Peter Hartung, MD, FRCP, FEAN, FAAN, FANA6, James K. Sheffield, MD MBA MSMD7, Anthony Krakovich, MD, MPH7, Chun-Yen Cheng, MS7, Jennifer Reardon, MSN, ANP-BC, CNRN, MSCN7, Jon V. Riolo, MD7, Diego Silva, MD7 and Bruce A.C. Cree, MD8, (1)Department of Neurology, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, (2)Mellen Center for MS Treatment and Research, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (3)Center for Neuroinflammation and Experimental Therapeutics, and Department of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (4)Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and Casa di Cura del Policlinico, Milan, Italy, (5)Center for Neurology, Lodz, Poland and Collegium Medicum, Department of Neurology, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland, (6)Department of Neurology, Palacky University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic, (7)Bristol Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ, (8)Weill Institute for Neurosciences, Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA |
2023 | DMT53 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
PML Risk in US Patients Treated with Natalizumab: 2022 Update from the Touch Program |
Robin L. Avila, PhD1, Julie Steverson, MS1, Liesel Dsilva, PhD1, Kerry McCarthy, BSN1 and Aaron Galluzzi, PhD2, (1)Biogen, Cambridge, MA, (2)Cytel, Cambridge, MA |
2023 | DMT54 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Low Risk of Natalizumab-Associated Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in Patients Who Were Anti–JC Virus Antibody Negative at Baseline: Update |
Adrienne Castillo, NP1, Aaron Galluzzi, PhD2, Julie Steverson, MS3, Kerry McCarthy, BSN3, Liesel Dsilva, PhD3, Robin L. Avila, PhD3, Danette Rutledge, BSP, PhD3 and Revere P. Kinkel, MD4, (1)RUSH University Medical Group, Chicago, IL, (2)Cytel, Cambridge, MA, (3)Biogen, Cambridge, MA, (4)Department of Neurosciences, School of Medicine, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA |
2023 | DMT55 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Diroximel Fumarate in a Cohort of Black Patients with Multiple Sclerosis from the Phase 3 Evolve-MS-1 Study |
Samuel F. Hunter, MD, PhD1, John W. Lindsey, MD2, Benjamin Osborne, MD3, Bethany Schreiber, NP3, Filipe Branco, MSc4, Seth Levin, MD5, James B. Lewin, PharmD5, Matthew Scaramozza, MS5, Zhe Tian, MSc5 and Ariel Antezana, MD6, (1)Advanced Neurosciences Institute, Franklin, TN, (2)Multiple Sclerosis And Neuroimmunology, McGovern Medical School, Houston, TX, (3)Department of Neurology, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, (4)Biogen, Baar, Switzerland, (5)Biogen, Cambridge, MA, (6)Neuromedical Clinic of Central Louisiana, Alexandria, LA |
2023 | DMT56 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Exploring the Utility of Actigraph in Measuring Gait Impairment and Physical Activity in Patients with MS Using Digital Biomarkers |
Elias Abou Zeid, PhD, Xiaoyu Jiang, PhD, Larry Orogun, MD, MSc, Hillol Sarker, PhD and Sana Syed, MD, MPH, Sanofi, Cambridge, MA |
2023 | DMT57 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
MRI, Efficacy, and Safety of Tolebrutinib in Participants with Highly Active Disease (HAD): 2-Year Data from the Phase 2b Long-Term Safety (LTS) Study |
Robert J. Fox, MD1, Jiwon Oh, MD, PhD2, Douglas L. Arnold, MD3,4, Sana Syed, MD, MPH5, Zhixing Xu, PhD6, Timothy J. Turner, PhD5, Anthony Traboulsee, MD7 and Daniel S. Reich, MD, PhD8, (1)Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (2)St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, (3)NeuroRx Research and Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, (4)NeuroRx Research, Montreal, QC, Canada, (5)Sanofi, Cambridge, MA, (6)Sanofi, Bridgewater, NJ, (7)University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (8)National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD |
2023 | DMT58 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Baseline Relationships between Measures of Cognitive Function and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis in Enlighten: A Phase 3b Study of Ozanimod |
Sarah A. Morrow, MD, MS, FRCPC, FAAN1, Robert Zivadinov, MD, PhD2, John DeLuca, PhD3, Jon V. Riolo, MD4, Chun-Yen Cheng, MS4, Sibyl Wray, MD5, Ann Bass, MD6, Edward Fox, MD, PhD, FAAN7, Emily Riser, MD8, Burhan Chaudhry, MD4, Jennifer Reardon, MSN, ANP-BC, CNRN, MSCN4, Diego Silva, MD4 and Robert T. Naismith, MD9, (1)London Health Sciences Centre, University Hospital, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, (2)Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center, Department of Neurology, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, (3)Kessler Foundation, West Orange, New Jersey, and Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Neurology, Rutgers – New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, (4)Bristol Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ, (5)Hope Neurology MS Center, Knoxville, TN, (6)Neurology Center of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, (7)Central Texas Neurology Consultants, Round Rock, TX, (8)Alabama Neurology Associates, Birmingham, AL, (9)Department of Neurology, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO |
2023 | DMT59 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of Ozanimod By Age Category in Patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis from Two Phase 3 Trials and an Open-Label Extension Study |
Selmaj W. Krzysztof, MD, PhD, DSc1, Jeffrey A. Cohen, MD2, Lawrence Steinman, MD3, Giancarlo Comi, MD4, Amit Bar-Or, MD5, Hans-Peter Hartung, MD, FRCP, FEAN, FAAN, FANA6, Xavier Montalban, MD, PhD7, Ludwig Kappos, MD8, James K. Sheffield, MD MBA MSMD9, Anthony Krakovich, MD, MPH9, Chun-Yen Cheng, MS9, Jon V. Riolo, MD9, Diego Silva, MD9 and Bruce A.C. Cree, MD10, (1)Center for Neurology, Lodz, Poland, and Collegium Medicum, Department of Neurology, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland, (2)Mellen Center for MS Treatment and Research, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (3)Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Beckman Center for Molecular Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA, (4)Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and Casa di Cura del Policlinico, Milan, Italy, (5)Center for Neuroinflammation and Experimental Therapeutics, and Department of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (6)Department of Neurology, Palacky University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic, (7)Department of Neurology-Neuroimmunology, Centre d’Esclerosi Múltiple de Catalunya (Cemcat), Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain, (8)Research Center for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Neuroscience Basel (RC2NB), Departments of Head, Spine and Neuromedicine, Clinical Research, Biomedicine and Biomedical Engineering, University Hospital and University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, (9)Bristol Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ, (10)Weill Institute for Neurosciences, Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA |
2023 | DMT61W | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Evaluation of Characteristics of Patients That Relapsed While on Ocrelizumab |
Ali Ghadiri, Student1, Sharon R Tingen, PharmD, BCPS, MSCS2, Rylan Q Pearsall, Student3 and Myla D Goldman, MD, Msc2, (1)VCU, Richmond, VA, (2)Neurology, VCU Health, Richmond, VA, (3)College of Arts & Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA |
2023 | DMT62 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
The Totality of Evidence for Proposed Biosimilar Natalizumab PB006 Confirms Biosimilarity to Its Reference Medicine |
Krzysztof W. Selmaj, MD, PhD, DSc1, Karsten Roth, PhD2, Josef Höfler, PhD3, Rafa? Derlacz, PhD2, Klaus Vitzithum, PhD2, Cyrill Hornuss, MD4, Oliver von Richter, PhD4, Johann Poetzl, PhD4, Laura Jacobs, PhD4 and Steven Hall, PharmD5, (1)Center for Neurology, Lodz, Poland, and Collegium Medicum, Department of Neurology, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland, (2)Polpharma Biologics S.A., Gdansk, Poland, (3)Staburo GmbH, Munich, Germany, (4)Hexal AG (A Sandoz company), Holzkirchen, Germany, (5)Sandoz Inc. / Sandoz Biopharmaceuticals, Princeton, NJ |
2023 | DMT63 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Anti-CD20 Therapies for African American Vs Caucasian Americans with Relapsing MS |
Svetlana M Khanin, Bachelors1, Emily Demmon, Bachelors2 and Jai Perumal, MD2, (1)CUNY, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY, (2)Neurology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY |
2023 | DMT64 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Ocrelizumab Experience at a Single MS Center over a 6 Year Period |
Tammy Hoyt, MS1, Angelene Christensen, BS1, Katrina Bawden, MSN, MSCN, FNP-C1 and John Foley, MD2, (1)Rocky Mountain MS Research Group, Salt Lake City, UT, (2)Rocky Mountain MS Clinic, Salt Lake City, UT |
2023 | DMT65 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Evaluating the Effect of a Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor in a Murine Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Model of Multiple Sclerosis |
Ross C. Gruber, PhD1, Anna S. Blazier, PhD2, Lan Lee, MS1, Sean Ryan, PhD1, Agnes Cheong, PhD1, Evis Havari, MSc, MBA1, Timothy J. Turner, PhD2 and Dimitry Ofengeim, PhD2, (1)Sanofi, Framingham, MA, (2)Sanofi, Cambridge, MA |
2023 | DMT66 | Poster | Disease-modifying therapy |
Comparative Central Nervous System (CNS) Pharmacology of Tolebrutinib Versus Other Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) Inhibitor Candidates for Treating Multiple Sclerosis |
Timothy J. Turner, PhD1, Olivier Nicolas, PhD, PharmD2, Priscilla Brun, MSc2, Dimitry Ofengheim, PhD1 and Ross C. Gruber, PhD3, (1)Sanofi, Cambridge, MA, (2)Sanofi, Montpelier, France, (3)Sanofi, Framingham, MA |
2023 | EPI01 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
The Association of Demographic and Socioeconomic Status with Delayed Diagnosis in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder |
Albert Aboseif, DO1, Devon S Conway, MD, MS2, Julie Widmar, CNP2, Tucker Harvey, MS3, Amy Kunchok, MD2, Deborah M Miller, PhD, LISW2, Carol Swetlik, MD, MS1 and Justin R Abbatemarco, MD2, (1)Department of Neurology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (2)Mellen Center for MS Treatment and Research, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (3)Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH |
2023 | EPI02 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
Endocrine Comorbidities in Puerto Rican Multiple Sclerosis Patients: An Update from 2017 to 2020 |
Emilette L Marrero-Torres, BS1, David X Carmona-Burgos, BS2,3, Ramon J Vega-Corteguera, BS2,3, Viviana Martinez-Maldonado, BS2,3, Ana P Negron-Garcia, BS1, Kyara M Ostolaza-Oquendo, BS1, Ivonne Vicente, MD4 and Angel Chinea, MD5, (1)San Juan Bautista School of Medicine, Caguas, PR, (2)Caribbean Center for Clinical Research, Guaynabo, PR, (3)San Juan MS Center, Guaynabo, PR, (4)San Juan MS Center, Guaynabo, PR, Puerto Rico, (5)San Juan Bautista School of Medicine, Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine, Fundacion Eslerosis Multiple de PR, San Juan MS Center, Guaynabo, PR, Puerto Rico |
2023 | EPI03 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
Obesity Is Associated with Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Associated Disease but Not Anti-Aquaporin 4 Neuromyelitis Optica in a Racially Diverse Cohort |
Kaylan Fenton, APNP1, Mokshal H Porwal, BSc1, Amber Salter, PhD2, Hope Campbell, MSN, RN1, DeAnna Finnessy, MA1, Samantha O’Dell, BA1 and Ahmed Z Obeidat, MD, PhD1, (1)Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, (2)Department of Neurology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX |
2023 | EPI04 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
Examination of Racial Disparities in Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Care |
Kimystian Harrison, MD1, Victoria A. Levasseur, MD2, Alexander P. Conway, BS3, Kavya Bhattiprolu, BS4, Robert T. Naismith, MD2, Kathryn C. Fitzgerald, ScD5, Meghan Beier, PhD4, Abbey J. Hughes, PhD4, Ellen M. Mowry, MD, MCR5 and Jagriti ‘Jackie’ Bhattarai, PhD4, (1)Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (2)Department of Neurology, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, (3)Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, (4)Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (5)Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD |
2023 | EPI05 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
Economic Burden of Multiple Sclerosis in the United States: A Systematic Literature Review |
Marion Schauf, Dipl.-Kff.1, Harini Chinthapatla, M.Pharm2, Seema Dimri, M.Pharm2, Edward Li, PharmD MS3 and Daniel Hartung, PharmD, MPH4, (1)Franchise Launches Biopharma, Sandoz International GmbH, Holzkirchen, Germany, (2)Value & Access, Novartis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad, India, (3)HEOR, Sandoz Inc, Princeton, NJ, (4)College of Pharmacy,, Oregon State University, Portland, OR |
2023 | EPI06 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
Demographic Exploration of Mogad in Diverse Ethnic Populations of Texas and Missouri |
Matthew H Roberts, MD1, Robert Ungerer, MD2, Sandra Azareli Garcia-Velazquez, MD1, Enrique Rangel, BS3, Gowri Warikoo, BA4, Rola Mahmoud, MD2,5 and Tania Reyna, MD1, (1)Neurology, University of Texas Health San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, (2)Neurology, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO, (3)Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine, San Antonio, TX, (4)University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO, (5)Neurology, Saint Luke’s Marion Bloch Neuroscience Institute, Kansas City, MO |
2023 | EPI07 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
A Decline in the Number of New Cases of AQP4+ Neuromyelitis Optica but Not Anti Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Associated Disease during the COVID19 Pandemic |
Nihal Voruganti, BS1, Mokshal H Porwal, BSc1, Kaylan Fenton, APNP1, Amber Salter, PhD2, DeAnna Finnessy, MA1, Samantha O’Dell, BA1 and Ahmed Z Obeidat, MD, Ph.D.1, (1)Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, (2)Department of Neurology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX |
2023 | EPI08 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
The Number of New Cases of AQP4+ Neuromyelitis Optica and Anti Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Associated Disease Peaks during Cold Months |
Mokshal H Porwal, BSc1, Allison N Block, DO1, Kaylan Fenton, APNP2, Amber Salter, PhD3, Nihal Voruganti, BS1, DeAnna Finnessy, MA1, Samantha O’Dell, BA1 and Ahmed Z Obeidat, MD, PhD1, (1)Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, (2)National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, (3)Department of Neurology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX |
2023 | EPI09 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
Herpes Zoster Incidence in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Retrospective Cohort Study |
Nikita Stempniewicz, MSc1, Andrea Steffens, MPH2, Kimvi Kim, PharmD, BCPPS, BCOP1, Mary DuCharme, MLIS2, Helen Trenz, PhD2 and David Singer, PharmD, MS1, (1)GSK, Philadelphia, PA, (2)Optum, Eden Prairie, MN |
2023 | EPI10 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
Characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis Patients By Phenotype: A Retrospective, Cross-Sectional Study of the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Registry |
Luigi Pontieri, PhD1, Nupur Greene, PhD, MPH, BPharm2, Svend Sparre Geertsen, PhD2, Lisa Farnett, PharmD2, Keiko Higuchi, MPH2 and Melinda Magyari, MD, PhD1, (1)The Danish Multiple Sclerosis Registry (DMSR), Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Denmark, (2)Sanofi, Cambridge, MA |
2023 | EPI11 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
Temperature Inversions and Emergency Department Visits for Multiple Sclerosis in Salt Lake County, Utah, 1996-2017 |
Seth Hinrichsen, BS1, Randall Graham, MS2, Chantel Sloan-Aagard, PhD1, James Johnston, PhD, MSPH1 and John Beard, PhD, MPH1, (1)Public Health, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, (2)Chief, Science & Technology Integration Division, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Kansas City, MO |
2023 | EPI12 | Poster | Epidemiology and genetics |
Characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis Patients By Phenotype Based on Cross-Sectional Analysis Using the CLIMB Study |
Gauruv Bose, MD1,2, Nupur Greene, PhD, MPH, BPharm3, Brian C. Healy, PhD1, Howard L. Weiner, MD4,5, Lisa Farnett, PharmD3, Keiko Higuchi, MPH3 and Tanuja Chitnis, MD5,6, (1)Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, (2)Department of Medicine (Neurology), University of Ottawa and Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (3)Sanofi, Cambridge, MA, (4)Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, (5)Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (6)Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA |
2023 | FAM01 | Poster | Family and caregivers |
Secondary Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial of the Physical Activity Together for Multiple Sclerosis (PAT-MS) Intervention |
Katherine L. Cardwell, BHSc1, Zain Awadia, MSc2, Odessa J. McKenna, MSc3, Taylor Hume, BHSc1, Julia Ludgate, BHSc4, Mark S Freedman, HBSc, MSc, MD, CSPQ, FANA, FAAN, FRCPC5, Marcia Finlayson, PhD6, Amy Latimer-Cheung, PhD7, Lara A. Pilutti, PhD8 and Afolasade Fakolade, PhD6, (1)Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (2)Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (3)Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (4)Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (5)University of Ottawa and the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (6)School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada, (7)School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada, (8)Brain and Mind Research Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada |
2023 | IIS01 | Poster | Internet and information services |
Telecommunication As a Tool in Qualitative MS Research |
Michael V Robers, MD MS1, Vanessa I Martinez, MS1, Huiam Mubarak, MD MS1, Aimee Borazanci, MD1 and Lilyana Amezcua, MD, MS2, (1)Neurology, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, (2)Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA |
2023 | IMG07 | Poster | Imaging |
Compliance with CMSC MRI Guidelines in a Multi-Center, Pragmatic, Randomized Clinical Trial: Improvements over Time |
Blake E Dewey, PhD1, Lianrui Zuo, MSE2,3, Samuel W Remedios, BS4, Yuan Xue, PhD3, Savannah P Hays, BS3, Sandra D Cassard, ScD1, Carolyn Koch, MA1, Ann Fishman, MBA5, Aaron Carass, MS3, Jerry L Prince, PhD3, Ellen M. Mowry, MD, MCR1 and Scott D Newsome, DO, MSCS1, (1)Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (2)National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, (3)Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (4)Radiology and Imaging Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, (5)Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD |
2023 | IMG08W | Poster | Imaging |
Measuring MRI Differences between Sites: Design of a Traveling Subject Study in MS |
Blake E Dewey, PhD1, Ann Fishman, MBA2, Sandra D Cassard, ScD1, Lianrui Zuo, MSE3,4, Samuel W Remedios, BS5,6, Yuan Xue, PhD4, Carolyn Koch, MA1, Savannah P Hays, BS4, Aaron Carass, MS4, Jerry L Prince, PhD4, Ellen M. Mowry, MD, MCR1 and Scott D Newsome, DO, MSCS1, (1)Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (2)Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (3)National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, (4)Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (5)Radiology and Imaging Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, (6)Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD |
2023 | IMG09 | Poster | Imaging |
Quantifying Fatigue Using Electrophysiological Techniques and Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation in People with Multiple Sclerosis- a Review |
Karen Winn, NP, MSN, DNP, Seahorn Advisors, Boston, MA, Brant J. Oliver, PhD, MS, MPH, APRN-BC, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Lebanon, NH, Karlie Hamilton, MSN, RN, Goldfarb School of Nursing, St Louis, MO, Verna Hendricks-Ferguson, PhD, RN, Saint Louis University School of Nursing, St Louis, MO and Pamela Newland, PhD, RN, CMSRN, Independent Researcher, St. Jacob, IL |
2023 | IMG10 | Poster | Imaging |
Peri-Partum MRI Activity in Multiple Sclerosis: Interim Analysis from a Preg-MS Cohort |
Esther J Moon, BS1, Preksha Kukreja, BS1, Jeta Pol-Patil, MS1, Maria Claudia Manieri, BA2, Tatenda Mahlanza, BA3, Biljana Beretich, MD4, Idanis Berrios Morales, MD5, Ann Cabot, DO6, Claudia Chaves, MD7, Carolina Ionete, MD, PhD8, Joshua D Katz, M.D.9, Eric C Klawiter, MD10, Ellen S Lathi, M.D.9, Andrew J Solomon, MD11 and Maria K Houtchens, MD1, (1)Neurology, Brigham Multiple Sclerosis Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (2)Georgia State University, Department of Biology, Atlanta, GA, (3)Brigham Multiple Sclerosis Center, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (4)Multiple Sclerosis Clinic at the Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME, (5)University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA, (6)Multidisciplinary Multiple Sclerosis Clinic at Concord Hospital, Concord, NH, (7)Neurology, Lahey Clinic, Lexington, MA, (8)Multiple Sclerosis Center; Department of Neurology, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA, (9)The Elliot Lewis Center for Multiple Sclerosis Care, Wellesley, MA, (10)Multiple Sclerosis Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (11)Neurological Sciences, University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT |
2023 | IMG11 | Poster | Imaging |
Variability of Longitudinal Standard of Care Brain MRI Scans Ordered By a Single MS Center |
Kelly Leyden, MRes1, Tammy Hoyt, MS2, Angel Christensen, BS3, Lynden Bajus, BS1 and John Foley, MD4, (1)Octave, Menlo Park, CA, (2)Rocky Mountain MS Research Group, Salt Lake City, UT, (3)Rocky Mountain Multiple Sclerosis Clinic, Salt Lake City, UT, (4)Rocky Mountain MS Clinic, Salt Lake City, UT |
2023 | IMG12 | Poster | Imaging |
Multiple Sclerosis Is Associated with Retinal Microvascular Loss |
Liliya M Yausheva, MD1, Jacqueline Do, Medical Student1, Jessica Peterson, Ophthalmic Photographer/Technician2, Samuel Leeman, Research Assistant2, Carolina Ionete, MD, PhD1 and Chistopher Hemond, MD1, (1)Multiple Sclerosis Center; Department of Neurology, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA, (2)Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA |
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