
2023 Sessions

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Digital Tools in the Diagnosis and Management of MS

Chair: Marcelo Matiello, MD, MSc (Mass General Hospital Harvard Medical School)

The course session ‘Digital Tools in the Diagnosis and Management of MS’ is designed to provide clinicians caring for people living with Multiple sclerosis (MS) an overview of the various technologies available with a focus on telehealth, digital tools, and artificial intelligence (AI) and their role in improving the quality of care for people with MS. The course will begin with an introduction in which participants will then learn about telehealth, which refers to the use of technology to deliver healthcare services remotely. The course will cover the benefits of telehealth for people with MS, including increased access to healthcare services, improved disease management, and reduced healthcare costs. Next, we will cover digital tools that can be used to manage MS, such as mobile applications and wearables. Participants will learn how these tools can be used to track symptoms, monitor medication adherence, and connect with other individuals living with MS. Finally, the course will introduce participants to AI and its potential applications in MS management. Participants will learn about the role of AI in predicting disease diagnosis and progression through imaging tools. Throughout the course, participants will have access to case studies, and expert speakers in the field of MS management. By the end of the course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the various telehealth, digital tools, and AI available to manage MS and the benefits they can provide. Level of information: Basic, Intermediate.

Virtual Visits and Consultations in MS: Appropriate Use and Patient Satisfaction

Speaker: Marcelo Matiello, MD, MSc (Mass General Hospital Harvard Medical School)


The Use of Artificial Intelligence Applied to MRI for the Diagnosis and Management of MS

Speaker: James Michael Hillis, MBBS, DPhil (Massachusetts General Hospital)


Interdisciplinary Digital Platform No Monitor and Treat MS Symptoms

Speaker: Riley Bove, MD (UCSF)



Technologic Advances | Clinical Course


Basic, Intermediate


AAPA: 2.00
ACPE: 2.00
APA: 2.00
CME: 2.00
NCPD: 2.00