
2023 Sessions

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The Interactions Among Cognitive Deficits, Psychiatric Issues, and Fatigue in People with MS as Illustrated through Case Studies

Chair: Jeff A Wilken, PhD (Washington Neuropsychology Research Group)

The goal of this workshop is to use case studies to illustrate the complex interactions among mental health issues, cognitive problems, and fatigue in people with MS. The faculty will present challenging real-life cases of MS patients with cognitive/psychiatric problems and/or fatigue from their own clinical practices. Information for discussion of case studies will include background history as pertains to a person’s MS, brain imaging (where available), neuropsychological findings, data from psychological inventories, and pertinent factors from medical records/clinical interview about psychiatric symptoms, physical symptoms, and fatigue. Presentation of this information will be used as a starting point to help generate lively discussion regarding how to help MS patients manage and cope when faced with the combinatory effects of cognition, psychiatric illness, and fatigue within the confines of their personal resources, finances, health insurance, and other MS-related and non-MS-related health issues. The hope is to have multidisciplinary input and to hear from different professions regarding diagnostic/treatment paradigms. At the end of the workshop, the faculty will summarize the most pertinent themes for diagnosis and treatment in an attempt to help guide providers as they continue to treat MS patients dealing with the combination of these difficult and sometimes debilitating MS symptoms. Level of Information: Basic, Intermediate

Cognition, Psychiatric Illness, and Fatigue: How They Manifest in MS and How They are Interrelated

Speaker: Jeff A Wilken, PhD (Washington Neuropsychology Research Group)


Interactive Case Studies Illustrates the Interaction Among Cognitive Deficits, Psychiatric Illness, and Fatigue in MS

Speaker: Jeff A Wilken, PhD (Washington Neuropsychology Research Group)



Mental Health | Clinical Course


Basic, Intermediate


AAPA: 2.00
APA: 2.00
AOTA: 2.00
ASWB: 2.00
CME: 2.00
NCPD: 2.00