
2023 Sessions

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State of the Art Diet Research and Practice in MS: Current and Future Directions

Chair: Kathy M. Zackowski, PhD, OTR (National MS Society)

Diet is a major interest among people living with MS and many report implementing dietary modifications; however, to date randomized trials investigating the effect of diet on MS symptoms and progression are sparse and clinicians often lack current knowledge to counsel their patients. Clinicians must be aware of the clinical nutrition resources available to them and the reasons to include nutrition in the treatment plan. In this symposium, we will describe the current state of diet research in MS with a focus on clinical trials that are recently published, trials recently completed, and trials that are actively recruiting. We will share results from a recently published systematic review that investigated the efficacy of dietary interventions on MS-related fatigue and quality of life. Limitations of this work will be reviewed along with suggestions of key components of the diet that may drive improved outcomes. We will describe novel outcomes that may help to establish an improved understanding of mechanisms driving the impact and benefits of diet on MS. The role of the microbiome and metabolomics will also be reviewed. Finally, an expert MS registered dietitian will describe the role of registered dietitians on the MS care team as well as provide guidance about how and when to refer patients. In this symposium, we will provide valuable insights into both the most up-to-date research and clinical information for a multidisciplinary MS clinician. Level of Information: Intermediate

The Current State of Diet Research in MS

Moderator: Vijayshree Yadav, MD, MCR (OHSU MS Center, Oregon Health & Science Univ)


Efficacy of Dietary Interventions on MS-related Fatigue and QoL

Speaker: Tyler Titcomb, PhD, RD (University of Iowa)


Novel Objective Outcomes and Future Directions of Dietary Studies in MS

Speaker: Kathryn C Fitzgerald, ScD (Johns Hopkins University)


The Role and Value of an MS Dietitian in the Clinic

Speaker: Mona D Bostick, RDN, LDN, MSCS (Food Matters 365, LLC)



MS Management | Research | Wellness | Symposium




AAPA: 2.75
ACPE: 2.75
APA: 2.75
AOTA: 2.75
ASWB: 2.75
CME: 2.75
NCPD: 2.75
RD: 2.75