Saturday, June 29, 2024
7:30 am – 1:00 pm Breakfast and Presentation
The Oak Brook Marriott
1401 W 22nd St
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Elmhurst Room
Expert Faculty
Program Agenda
8:00 am | Welcoming Remarks |
8:05 am | The Nature of MS |
8:35 am | Treatment of MS: Choices and Challenges |
9:35 am | Symptomatic Care in MS |
10:05 am | Questions and Answers |
10:20 am | Coffee/ Snack Break |
10:30 am | Invisible Symptoms, Mental Health, and MS |
11:10 am | Rehabilitation for People Living with MS |
11:50 am | Cultural Diversity in MS |
12:20 pm | Pregnancy and Breastfeeding in MS |
12:45 pm | Questions and Answers |
1:00 pm | Adjournment |
This activity is jointly provided by The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC), the International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (IOMSN), and Catamount Medical Education.
This activity is supported by independent educational grants from Bristol Myers Squibb and Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation.
Target Audience:
This activity is intended for nurses who care for people living with multiple sclerosis (MS).
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss advances in the understanding of MS and the benefits of early diagnosis and treatment
- Review information on current therapies and its relevance to the development of individualized management strategies for patients with MS
- Describe strategies to address common MS symptoms (primary, secondary, tertiary)
- Review invisible symptoms of MS and strategies to recognize, assess and manage these in individual patients
- Identify rehab modalities and their role in the management and care of patients living with MS
- Discuss approaches to address diversity, equity and inclusion in MS care
- Review evidence related to the treatment and care of MS patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding
- Apply nursing interventions that incorporate best practices and evidence-based approaches to the care of patients with MS
Accreditation Statement:
Joint Accreditation Statement
In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC), the International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (IOMSN), and Catamount Medical Education. CMSC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the health care team.
Credit Designations
The CMSC designates this activity for a maximum of 5.0
nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) credit (2.5 in the area of pharmacology).
All other health care professionals completing this course will be issued a statement of participation.
Request for Credit
A statement of credit will be issued only upon receipt of a completed activity evaluation form and will be emailed to you within three weeks.
Disclosure of Financial Relationships
In accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education’s (ACCME) Standards for Integrity and Independence in Continuing Education, CMSC and Catamount Medical Education require that individuals in a position to control the content of an educational activity disclose all financial relationships with ineligible companies. CMSC and Catamount Medical Education mitigate all conflicts of interest to ensure independence, objectivity, balance, and scientific rigor in all their educational programs. Furthermore, CMSC and Catamount Medical Education seek to verify that all scientific research referred to, reported, or used in a CE activity conforms to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection, and analysis. CMSC and Catamount Medical Education are committed to providing learners with high-quality CE activities that promote improvements in health care and not those of a commercial interest.
Faculty Disclosures
The faculty reported the following relevant financial relationships with ineligible entities related to the educational content of this CE activity:
Marijean Buhse, PhD, NP-BC, MSCN, FAAN
Consulting/Advisor/Speaker Fees: Biogen, TG Therapeutics
Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN
Consulting/Advisor/Speaker Fees: EMD Serono, Hoffman La Roche, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Sanofi
Patricia Bobryk, MHS, PT, MSCS, ATP served as presenter and reviewer and has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Yolanda Smith Wheeler, PhD, CRNP, CPNP-AC, MSCN served as presenter and reviewer and has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Jennifer Chester, APRN
Speaker Fees: AbbVie Inc., Biogen, Bristol Myers Squibb, EMD Serono
Amber Peskin, APRN, CNS, MSCN
Consulting/Speaker Fees: Sanofi
Amy Perrin Ross, APN, CNRN, MSCN
Consulting/Advisor/Speaker Fees: Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Amgen, Argenz, Banner, Bristol Myers Squibb, EMD Serono, Horizon, Roche, Sandoz, TG Therapeutics, UCB, Inc., Viatirs
Erin Wilkinson, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, MSCN
Consulting/Advisor/Speaker Fees: EMD Serono, Horizon, TG Therapeutics
Activity Staff Disclosures
June Halper, MSN, APN-C, MSCN, FAAN, and Laurie Scudder, DNP, NP, served as planners and reviewers and have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
All other planners, reviewers, staff, or other members of the Continuing Professional Education Committee at The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers who control content have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
The planners, reviewers, staff, or other members of the Continuing Professional Education Committee at the International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses who control content have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
The planners, reviewers, editors, staff, CE committee, or other members at Catamount Medical Education who control content have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Our Policy On Privacy
The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers and Catamount Medical Education, LLC, respect your privacy. All personal information that is provided to Catamount Medical Education, LLC, is protected and will not be sold to a third party for commercial purposes. All personally identifiable information contained in the Catamount Medical Education, LLC, registration databases is treated as confidential and will be used only for the purposes stated in this policy, except where required by law. Catamount Medical Education, LLC, maintains user databases that contain mailing and user profile information as well as a record of the CME activities viewed and the posttest and evaluation results for CE credit. This information is provided to activity collaborators for the purposes of CE recordkeeping. By participating in this activity, you agree that Catamount Medical Education, LLC, has full permission to provide this information.
Catamount Medical Education, LLC, safeguards against the loss, misuse, or alteration of information that we have collected in this activity.
Disclosure of Unlabeled Use
CMSC and Catamount Medical Education require CE faculty (speakers) to disclose to the attendees when products or procedures being discussed are off-label, unlabeled, experimental, and/or investigational (not FDA approved); and any limitations on the information that is presented, such as data that are preliminary or that represent ongoing research, interim analyses, and/or unsupported opinion. Faculty in this activity may discuss information about pharmaceutical agents that is outside of US Food and Drug Administration approved labeling. This information is intended solely for continuing medical education and is not intended to promote off-label use of these medications. If you have questions, contact the medical affairs department of the manufacturer for the most recent prescribing information.
Participants have an implied responsibility to use the newly acquired information to enhance patient outcomes and their own professional development. The information presented in this activity is not meant to serve as a guideline for patient management. Any procedures, medications, or other courses of diagnosis or treatment discussed or suggested in this activity should not be used by clinicians without evaluation of their patient’s conditions and possible contraindications and/or dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer’s product information, and comparison with recommendations of other authorities.
Contact Information
For questions about this activity, please contact Catamount Medical Education at [email protected].
Fee Information
There is no fee for this educational activity.