Bridging the Gap to Early Support in MS
Join us at the 2024 CMSC Annual Meeting
By attending the symposium, you will:
- Recognize how the Society is utilizing data to inform strategies to support an earlier diagnosis for patients and improve their access to care.
- Describe how the Society is developing innovative approaches to connect with people with MS early in their journey in order to be able to better educate patients and refer them to this important resource.
- Examine the fundamental role of healthcare professionals in connecting people with MS to the Society early and strategies to introduce patients and families to this resource.
What Would You Do? Engaging in Evidence-based Treatment Approaches for Multiple Sclerosis

Decision-making in multiple sclerosis (MS) care is as complex as the disease itself. Understanding of the inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes implicated in disease activity and progression continues to improve. At the same time, technology is constantly progressing. These advances are driving changes in the way MS is viewed and managed across the continuum of disease. As evidence evolves, clinicians look to experts for guidance and best practices. This case-based, interactive session is designed to highlight current challenges in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of people with MS. Expert faculty will present cases, discuss relevant evidence, explore options, and provide their answers to the question “what would you do?”
NMOSD Unveiled: Optimizing Long-Term Outcomes in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder with Innovative Therapies
NMOSD is a relatively new term for a group of rare, demyelinating autoimmune diseases affecting the CNS, particularly the optic nerves and spinal cord. In the past, NMOSD was conflated with MS due to significant similarities in early-stage presentation. Evidence has shown NMOSD to be a unique disorder with an antibody-mediated etiology distinct from MS. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, patients with NMOSD are likely to develop significant and progressive disability with each recurrent attack.
In this symposium, expert faculty will discuss strategies to better identify the pathological hallmarks of NMOSD, evaluate diagnostic criteria, utilize established and emerging therapeutics, and implement ongoing care of patients with NMOSD.
The Hidden Side of Multiple Sclerosis: Harnessing Key Pathologies to Improve Outcomes Across the Multiple Sclerosis Spectrum
As our understanding of MS evolves, it is increasingly clear that progression and its pathologies begin much earlier and more ubiquitously than previously recognized. This modern view has unlocked a wide array of both challenges and opportunities in optimizing MS assessment and management. In this satellite symposium, Drs. Jiwon Oh, Stephen Krieger, and Darin Okuda delve deeper into these driving pathologies and how we can assess and act on them today. The panel will also have an open dialogue surrounding the potential of and latest updates with investigational Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors (BTKi) and how they may shape the future therapeutic landscape of MS.
Taking a Closer Look at Each Patient: Exploring Novel Biomarker and Imaging Strategies in MS
Just as therapeutic advances are changing MS management, research into improved biomarkers and imaging modalities continues to hone the essential tools used to diagnose MS, assess patient status, and monitor response to treatment. Although some cutting-edge or investigational imaging strategies and biomarkers are currently limited to use in research settings, they may eventually enter routine clinical care, where they could provide precise, individualized data that can better guide treatment choices and other management decisions.
Learn about current and emerging imaging and biomarkers strategies through PeerView’s MasterClass & Practicum that integrates emerging evidence with real-world case scenarios that provide practical examples of how best to monitor patients and apply findings in management decisions.
NMOSD: Management Essentials for MS Clinics
This program will review evidence-based guidelines for diagnosis of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) and discuss the use of approved biologics that have been shown to enhance patient outcomes. Expert faculty will share insights on the latest evidence-based diagnostic and treatment methods hoping to improve early detection and overall patient management in a disease that is commonly misdiagnosed in its early stages. Experts will also discuss a clinical case to highlight best practices and interprofessional strategies to advance the quality of care for patients with NMOSD.