Design for Rehabilitation
Letter of intent to enter by
April 1, 2024 (sooner is better)
Final report submitted by email or in person by May 15, 2024.
April 1, 2024 (sooner is better)
Final report submitted by email or in person by May 15, 2024.
- Connects MS clinics, engineering schools, and patients.
- Fabricate a device that improves quality of life.
- It’s about education and rapid solutions that work for patients.
- Expose young engineers to real-world challenges.
- Identify a person (the client) diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) with a “need” that can be helped by an assistive device not currently available.
- The goal is that you develop and present this device.
- The device can be purely mechanical or include electrical components and software. Just software as in a written “APP” is not allowed. Devices interfaced to Smart phones with APPs and other similar machines are allowed.
- A modified commercial device is allowed.
- No limit on size, cost, complexity in the development of the device (the CMSC does not provide funds for this).
- Contact your local undergraduate engineering school departments of mechanical, biomedical, or electrical engineering as soon as possible, preferably before January as these departments are often looking for student project ideas. Engineering departments/faculty/students may contact their local MS center.
- Assemble the team: engineering students and their faculty advisor, healthcare providers, and if possible, the patient.
- Partnership with industry is allowed such as receiving funds (unlimited) for the project or expert mentoring for the student engineers.
- Team should consist of at least one MS provider or healthcare professional (MD, PT, OT, NP, PA). Choose a team leader and contact person.
- Including the patient/client in the team is recommended but not required. There should be a person for whom the device is intended.
- Design, build, and test the device. It is recommended that the client test the device and comment on its effectiveness; but this is not required. The device should be tested and demonstrated by members of the team.
- Present your creation at CMSC 2024 and compete for $500 cash award and plaque and time to present your device (can be a video) at the awards ceremony.
- Letter-of-intent emailed to Christopher Luzzio, MD by April 1, 2024. Include team name, team members, general nature of your project.
- Final Submission of entry materials by first meeting day of 2024 CMSC by email or in person at the meeting.
- 5-10-minute video presentation of the project.
- Power point presentation (up to 10 slides) that may serve as a deliverable for judging or a written report in similar format as published technical papers. Include purpose, design specifications, background, methods, testing, results, references if applicable.
- Submissions will be judged according to quality, impact, presentation, and team effort. The winning team will be announced on awards ceremony day.
Christopher Luzzio, MD: [email protected] (will be attending CMSC at the Design Booth)
Mikaela Morelli, BME Student: [email protected]